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Hey it's Ed, or better known as Smite. IMVU has made such a big influence on my life, and not to so much the roleplay. But the many people whom I've met, influenced me and made me what I am today. Many times I think wonder when I'm going to call it quits, and just leave. Not because of the drama or anything, but because I'll have to enter the real-world sooner or later. And wont have time for any of this, and I just don't know. But when I leave it will be quietly, and little to none goodbyes.
Habanero/Sarah: You're the light of my life, when ever I'm lost I can always come to you find my way out of any situation. Caring, funny, and just breath taking beautiful. However you are stubborn, I mean extremely stubborn. Probably as bad as me, but I still find it a wonderful quality at certain times. No matter what the situation is, I can always count on you to have my back. And even assist me in all my projects and humorous antics, if we never met I would still be that childish egotistical kid I once was. And for that I thank you. <3Gou/Mich: Oh man, words cannot describe how greatly I think of you. Despite anything I say about you, I just consider you that perfect mellow guy. I mean when we violate and troll each other, shit be getting real. I literally laugh when you violate me or others, you just have that ability to make me laugh on the spot and others. More importantly you just have this atmosphere around you, which just ties people together. No matter happens I can always count on you, and consider you a brother. I really hope life treats you well, because I know you'll make a big impact on mankind; can just feel it in my bones. KentakuAburame/Ant: We have a love-hate relationship going on, and mostly because you're just like me on so many aspects. And you know what they say, two silver backs cannot share the same territory. You're the bro I never had, and you know we're bros when we have that telepathy going on at times. Idk what you got planned for the future, but your attitude will get you far. Chorou: HAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!! Idk what to say about you. :(... I mean you're one of the realist guys I know, yet I know so little of you. For starters, your age. HOW OLD ARE YOU??!?!!? And you know what is even more funny? Anytime he does something fair he gets violated, and called fake, shady, or some other crazy shit. I cannot count on you for /everything/, however I do know you'll back me up and speak for me. And expose the fakeness others do me, and for that you got my respect. Ozai/Dante: I've known you for many years now, for the longest of those years we've been bros. I've always looked out for you and tried protecting you, and play the role of big bro. But wasn't until recently did I realize you had my back more than anyone, more importantly why watching over me and really putting effort than anyone. I guess you can say I took you for granted, and never really appreciated your efforts. But now your shinning bro, so bright no one can deny you the fame and influence you had. So easily you took charge of TUC, and had everyone consider you lord. Words cannot truly describe how pride I was for it, but you rarely disappoint me anyways. A great friend and bro, Idk what I would do without you in my corner.Wind/CJ: How long have we known each other? Years! Yet we've only been on good terms for a few months, and in such a short time we relate on so many levels(no homo). I'm glad I put my pride to the side when we made peace, because I would've never met such an smooth talkin tip sipping nigga like you. I can always come to you for advise, and I cherish that. You're my bro. <3 SetsunaUchiha/Joel: Aww man, I feel really bad on how I cheated you. Yes, I admit you were a stepping stone for me on many occasions, yet you did backstab me allot of times. So it's basically a 50/50 thing, however despite all that we're still good friends. You've been a father figure too me, and still are. And before I was influential, famous, and a factor. You were in my corner pumping me up and motivating me, and for that you have my love. Thanks Joel. ~ KingEspada/Yoggy: Heh... You're alright.
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Skaffa det här emblemet Uchiha Clan

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